Who is Medhat Mahfouz
- He is the Editor-in-Chief of this book MOVIES ON EVERY SCREEN ‘Dalil Al-Aflam,’ the first and only movie guide in Arabic language. He is an Egyptian film critic and technology and economic analyst specialized in media, entertainment and computing.
- He was born in 1955 and graduated with honor degree from Faculty of Engineering in 1978.
- He translated many books to arabic for the Egyptian General Book Organization. They include ‘Fantstic Cinema,’ ‘American Film Genres,’ ‘The Fifth Generation’ and others.
- He was the Editor-in-Chief of many film festival books, including Cairo International Film Festival, Cairo International Film Festival for Children, and Ismailia Documentary and Short Film Festival.
- He is also the author of the 1000-page ‘Encyclopedia of Personal Computer’ published in 1996.
The credits of the book MOVIES ON EVERY SCREEN( Dalil el Aflam)
Editor-in-Chief:                 Medhat Mahfouz
Editing Manager:               Mohamed Hatab
Researchers:                     Zakaria Abdul-Hamid
                                         Nadim Michel
                                         Elhamy Rizk-Allah
                                         Rafat Al-Hawary
                                         Mohamed Al-Morsey
Executive Manager:           Meckawy Saied
Design:                              Mohamed Haridy
Marketing Coordinator:     Zahret Al-Wady Gamal A-Din
This edition of the book is dedicated to the memory of Mohamed Ali Khalil The Author:
Who designed this site
This site designed by 'Mohamed Hatab' and he also the Editing Manager for this book ( Dalil el Aflam).You can also inquire him about how to buy your own copy of our 500 pages, 1.2 milliom words book through  his  ICQ No. 25550360 or  his  Email .
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